Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Evidence in Practice Award

We are pleased to announce an opportunity to share great
practice and see the world for the winners of the 2nd Evidence
in Practice Award - now open for entries

In approximately 750 words, can you describe a case study
where your work has influenced clinical practice? We are
looking for examples of good evidence-based librarianship
practice in a healthcare setting, examples of where librarians
and information professionals have influenced clinical practice
and patient outcomes. The competition is open to partnerships
of clinical and health professionals in the UK.

The winning partnership will each receive a Personal Digital Assistant,
£500 each towards attendence at a professional conference or course
of their choice, plus a free delegate place at the 3rd Clinical Librarian
Conference (see link below).
Prizes are jointly sponsored by NLH and BMJ Group.

Click here for our online entry for the competition

Entries can be submitted up to 31ST MARCH 2007 after which
anonymised case studies will be judged by an independent panel
combining clinical and information expertise.
The judges' decision will be final.

The award will be presented at the 3rd UK Clinical Librarian
Conference, 11th & 12th June 2007, St William's College, York
Minster, where the award winners will an opportunity
to share their example of successful practice.

Please feel free to share this message with your networks

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