Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Virtual issue of HILJ

To mark the 5th International Clinical Librarian Conference 2011, Health Information and Libraries Journal has published a free Virtual Issue on the subject of clinical information.

Virtual Issue: Meeting the Challenges of Clinical Information Provision

Meeting the Challenges of Clinical Information Provision

Edited by Hannah Spring

Meeting the challenges of clinical information provision
Hannah Spring

Review Article
Evaluation of clinical librarian services: a systematic review
Alison Brettle, Michelle Maden-Jenkins, Lucy Anderson, Rosalind McNally, Tracey Pratchett, Jenny Tancock, Debra Thornton, Anne Webb

Original Articles
Using research evidence in mental health: user-rating and focus group study of clinicians' preferences for a new clinical question-answering service
Elizabeth A. Barley, Joanna Murray, Rachel Churchill

Quantifying the information needs of doctors in the UK using clinical librarians
Karen Davies

Clinical librarians, a new tribe in the UK: roles and responsibilities
Janet Harrison, Vera Beraquet

A rapid evidence-based service by librarians provided information to answer primary care clinical questions
Jessie McGowan, William Hogg, Tamara Rader, Doug Salzwedel, Danielle Worster, Elise Cogo, Margo Rowan

Healthcare librarians and the delivery of critical appraisal training: attitudes, level of involvement and support
Michelle Maden-Jenkins

Informationist programme in support of biomedical research: a programme description and preliminary findings of an evaluation
Susan C. Whitmore, Suzanne F. Grefsheim, Jocelyn A. Rankin

Regular Features

International Perspectives and Initiatives
Health science librarianship’s legacy to health informatics
Jeannette Murphy

Learning and Teaching in Action
Better informed for better health and better care: an information literacy framework to support healthcare in Scotland
Eilean Craig

Using Evidence in Practice
Evaluating clinical librarians: mixing apple merchants with orange sellers?
Andrew Booth